




Creates a new tab bar gadget in the current gadget list.


Result.i = TabBarGadget( Gadget.i, X.i, Y.i, Width.i, Height.i, Attributes.i, Window.i )


Gadget A number to identify the new gadget.
#PB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number.
X, Y The position of the new gadget.
Width, Height The dimensions of the new gadget.
Attributes A combination (using the bitwise or operator |) of the following constants:
#TabBarGadget_BottomLine Adds a thin line on bottom of the tab bar.
#TabBarGadget_CheckBox Adds a small check box on every tab.
#TabBarGadget_CloseButton Adds a small cross on every tab to close the tab.
#TabBarGadget_Editable Enables the editing of the tab text with double click.
#TabBarGadget_MirroredTabs Mirrors the tabs on the long side.
Example: Vertical or mirrored tab bar
#TabBarGadget_MultiLine The tabs use multiple rows if they need more space.
Example: Multiline tab bar
#TabBarGadget_MultiSelect Enables the selections of multiple tabs at the same time.
#TabBarGadget_NewTab Adds an empty tab to add more tabs.
#TabBarGadget_NoTabMoving Dissallow the moving of tabs.
#TabBarGadget_PopupButton Adds a drop down arrow at the end of the tab bar.
#TabBarGadget_ReverseOrdering Reverses the ordering of the tabs.
#TabBarGadget_SelectedCloseButton Adds a small cross on every selected tab to close the tab.
#TabBarGadget_TextCutting Enables text cutting, if tab bar space is too small.
#TabBarGadget_Vertical Rotate the whole bar vertical.
Example: Vertical or mirrored tab bar

Return value

If you use #PB_Any as Gadget, it returns the generated number of the tab bar gadget. The result is 0 if the creation fails.

See also

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