



It is possible to customize the include to your own needed settings (appearance and spacing). Some of this settings can't change with a function, but you can change it in your code with global variable TabBarGadgetInclude. The variable has the following fields and you can change their value.

Field Default value Description
\Padding 6 Space between the content and the border of the tab.
\Margin 4 Space between the tab and the gadget border.
\ImageSpace 3 Space between the image and the text in a tab.
\CloseButtonSize 13 Size of the cross to close the tab.
\TabBarColor system Background color of the tab bar.
\BorderColor system Color of the border of the tabs.
\FaceColor system Color of the background of the tabs.
\TextColor system Color of the text in a tab.
\HoverColorPlus $FF101010 Addition of the background color if the mouse is over the tab.
\ActivColorPlus $FF101010 Addition of the background color if the tab is selected.
\ArrowWidth 10 Width of the arrow of the navigation.
\ArrowHeight 16 Height of the arrow of the navigation.
\Radius 3 Radius of the rounding of the tab.
\MinTabLength 0 Minimum length of a tab.
\MaxTabLength 32767 Minimum length of a tab.
\FadeOut 32 Size of the blending in the navigation.
\WheelDirection 1 Direction of the scrolling with the mouse wheel (-1 or 1)
\EnableDoubleClickForNewTab #True A left double click send the #TabBarGadget_EventType_NewItem event.
\EnableMiddleClickForCloseTab #True A middle click send the #TabBarGadget_EventType_CloseItem event.
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